IBM DB2 database

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ComCap has been tested against IBM DB2 Express-C v9.7 for Windows, using the 'IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2' that is part of the client package that may be downloaded from: During install, you get an option to install just the client rather than the server, but beware it installs several windows services anyway.  


Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC or ADO) must first be installed.  Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, Vista, 2008 and 7 include MDAC as part of the core operating system, for Windows 2000, MDAC 2.8 SP1 (free download from Microsoft MDAC Downloads) should be installed before attempting to configure database support in ComCap.


Sample Database Tables

The database table to which ComCap data will be written must be created before ComCap can be configured, and the database must be running.


ComCap  includes Sample Database SQL scripts to create empty tables and stored procedures, for IBM DB2 this is the file newdb-ibmdb2.sql One of the IBM tools may be used to run the script into DB2, or Universal SQL Editor is recommended. Note that writing using stored procedures has not been tested.


Setting Up a Database Connection

On the Capture Settings, Database tab, choose Database Type as ADO, then click the Specify Database button displays the MDAC Data Link Properties dialog, showing a list of installed data providers:




From the provider list, select IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2, and click Next>>:.




On the Connection tab, choose 'Direct Server Connection' with the server name as an IP address or host, it should then allow a database to be selected once a logon has been entered and 'Allow Saving Password' ticked.  Click Test Connection to make sure SQL is working, then OK.





ComCap will then open the database and the details will be displayed to confirm it’s all working OK.  ComCap can either insert data directly into a table, or pass data to a stored procedure that may manipulate the data and insert it into one or more tables.  When you choose 'How to Add Records', a list of either SQL Tables or Stored Procedures will appear, from which one should be chosen. The list of tables and stored procedures will include lots of system functions but these should be ignored.  How the data is chosen for the database is specified on the Data Format tab. Other settings on this tab are detailed at Database tab.