Capture Settings, Capture Alerts |
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Capture Settings are set-up separately for each capture channel. Once these settings have been specified, OK or Apply should be clicked. This tab specifies Capture Alerts information.
Upgrading from ComCap4 Beware any old alert phrases are lost when upgrading and need to be set-up again in the new format with specific SMS and email addresses.
Capture Alerts The options on this tab allow alerts to be triggered from the captured text. Note that phrase searching is on a single record (usually a line), a phrase that is split between two record will not be found. Searching is case sensitive, so multiple phrases will need to be entered to test for case permutations. The alert may be a pop-up window, remote alerts, email or SMS message, as configured in Common Settings, Alerts, but with the actual SMS number or email address specified here.
Grid Control Buttons There are five buttons used to manipulate the Data Format grid, left to right:
Phrase A phrase that will cause this alert to be triggered. Searching is optionally case sensitive, see below. Note that Capture Filter 'Ignore Lines' are processed before 'Required Phrases', and then Capture Alerts after both, so a required line will not be found if already ignored for another phrase.
Case Insensitive Match Searching phrases is case sensitive unless this option ticked.
Enabled A tick box that allow this alert to be enabled or disabled.
SMS Number The mobile telephone number to which an SMS will be sent in full international format, usually stating with + including the country code, ie +447891234567 and without any spaces, sometimes a national number. The SMS Bureau to be used must be set-up in Common Settings, SMS. Leave blank for no SMS. To send to multiple telephone numbers set-up duplicate phrases
Email Address The email address to which an email should be sent, to the mail servers set-up in Common Settings, Email. Leave blank for no email. To send to multiple email addresses set-up duplicate phrases
Email Subject If an email is being sent, the Subject.
Email Body The message body to be sent as an email, if left blank, the whole record in which the phrase was found is sent. The email will also include the channel name.
Ignore Same Alert for (mins) This option prevents the same alert being sent again until the specified period in minutes is reached. If more than one alert phrase is specified, each phrase will still trigger an alert the first time it is detected. This will avoid too many emails or SMS messages being sent when the same alert is continually repeated.
Search Method Specifies how ComCap should search for phrases, by optionally including wildcard characters or complex regular expressions.
Sample Data and Test Buttons The panel below the grid can be filled with sample data from a file by clicking the File Open icon, or from the capture window by clicking the Refresh icon. To test phrases, select a line of text in the panel and click the Tick icon, the results of any matches are displayed on the status line. Only Enabled phrases are tested.